Izumi Morocco - Production Sound Mixer

Izumi Morocco - Production Sound Mixer

Izumi Rosas, now Izumi Morocco, is a Los Angeles based production sound mixer. However, she didn’t start in LA, in fact she didn’t even start her career in film!

A “jack-of-all-trades”, Izumi has done everything from managing a nail salon, to working in a corporate cubical, to dancing in the NBA for the Washington Wizards.

In many ways, Izumi is the heart and soul of Black Rose Sound and has contributed an impressive resumé to the company. From landing the company’s initial contract with Snoop Dogg, to her continued work with a plethora of celebrities like Tony Hawk, William Dafoe, Cindy Crawford, Jennifer Hudson, Megan Thee Stallion, Mike Tyson and Kathy Griffin just to name a few.

Check out more of Izumi’s work on her IMDB page.